Loganville Garage Door Repair

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24/7 Mobile Garage Door Repair Service

Call us (678) 671-5054 Loganville Garage Door Repair

Garage Door Problems Related to Cold Weather

When you start experiencing problem with your garage door, you might pay attention to when the problems usually occur. You may just be surprised to find out that they often occur during the coldest months of the year. Cold weather can cause numerous issues with the way that your garage door operates. If your garage door is stuck and you are not able to get your vehicle in and out of the garage, you may miss work and your children may miss school. This is enough to consider doing something about this problem before it gets to this point. Unfortunately, the weather is usually the last thing that anyone is thinking could be the cause of their garage door issues. When Loganville Garage Door Repair in Loganville, GA is called upon to assist with your garage door issues, one of the things we often find is that the problems stem from the weather. There is a solution for the cold weather issues that you may be experiencing. A qualified garage door repair technician is often capable of resolving the problems for you. While it is true that you may be able to resolve the problem on your own, the garage door has many moving parts and this can be dangerous if you are not a professional garage door technician.
Below you will find some of the most common problems that our customers experience due to cold temperatures:

Frozen Garage Door: Even though Georgia doesn’t receive much snow, if any at all, it still gets cold. One of the problems that many due have to deal with in Georgia is ice. The ice can become a serious issue because it can cause your garage door to freeze shut, thus preventing you from opening it. Even if there is a small amount of water near your garage door, it can freeze over and make it difficult to open your garage door. That is why it is important to pay particular attention to your garage door during the colder months of the year. Keep anything that can cause water to accumulate around your door, away. Ice and snow should be cleared away immediately. Even though it can be annoying trying to keep ice from building up around your door, it is definitely worth it to make sure your garage door isn’t stuck when you need to get in or out. It is also possible to spray cooking oil on the seals of your door to keep them from freezing. Spray it around every corner of the door to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the door where ice and snow can build up.

Contracting Metal

When the metal of your garage door starts to contract, it will make it challenging to open your garage door. You may not even be able to force the door open. This means that it will need a force adjustment applied by a qualified garage door technician. This is performed on the garage door opener. The way that this is performed can be found in the garage door owner’s manual. If you’re interested in finding out exactly how our technician performs this work, we suggest you consult your manual. Our technicians will adjust your garage door and they can also evaluate the other parts of your garage door to make sure they are in good working condition. This will help you keep your garage door functioning properly throughout the year. There are safety precautions that must be adhered to when making any type of adjustments to your garage door. These are in place because it can be dangerous to work on a garage door without knowing where all of the moving parts are. The motor to the garage door is in the opener and can become very dangerous if it isn’t handled properly. This is why we never suggest that you attempt to make any garage door adjustments on your own. Always allow a qualified garage door technician to handle any problems that you may be experiencing with your garage door. A garage door technician has the know-how and the tools needed to make the necessary adjustments.

Broken Gears

When there are broken gears, you may hear your garage door trying to open but it doesn’t move. This is a rather common issue that could also occur even in warmer temperatures. However, it is more common in colder weather. This usually happens when the door freezes and the garage door opener is trying to work. The gears may break due to the weight of the door. The weight can become too much if there is a weak or worn garage door spring. Unfortunately, many people go on using their garage without knowing that there is a problem with their springs. Since they continue to use their garage, they don’t realize the damages that they are creating. If you are currently experiencing this type of problem then give our garage door technicians in Loganville a call to make the necessary repairs.

Grease Buildup

If your garage door isn’t opening or closing this can also be due to grease buildup on your tracks. Unfortunately, during cold weather, we have more service calls about grease buildup on garage door tracks. The garage door will not move along the track of your garage when there is grease buildup on it. In order to get the door moving again, a grease solvent is usually needed. A bristle brush can be used to apply the solvent. Once you have applied the solvent then a silicone-based lubricant will need to be applied to the track so that the door will be able to smoothly move over it. With vertical tracks, you may have to have the tracks replaced. This is in the worst-case scenario. In most cases, if you can’t get your door moving across the tracks again, one of our qualified garage door technicians can. Weather related problems with garage doors are common.

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Call Loganville Garage Door at (678) 671-5054

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